The Concept for using the Eye-Load Software
There is a need in any production-line based business to have a flow that does not incur many bottleneck stages during the production run. The smoother the flow the more production achieved. Termed “Additional Throughput”.
Before reading any further – Please view the following video by Arrie Van Niekerk and see if your bodyshop is either “A” “B” or “C” in a flow environment and then come back to read the rest of this concept for an introduction to Eye-Load.
Welcome back! So, which one was your Bodyshop? If “A” just using Eye-Load will improve many areas of your business and get you to “B”. If “B” you need Eye-Load to get you to “C”. if “C” you are probably already using Eye-Load! If not, do you want to get to “D”? The “Theory of Constraints” demonstrated extremely effectively by Arrie*, is a concept that is being used today in many manufacturing businesses, and is currently in use in some of the world’s most successful manufacturing corporations. Eli Goldratt, and his book “The Goal”, demonstrates a true story using the Theory of Constraints.
Theory of Constraints In a bodyshop environment? Well, there are many stages from the first instruction to repair a vehicle, to the point where you invoice the repair and hand the keys back to the customer. Each stage of the repair process you want to be able to visually see all locations that handle the repair to conclusion. Eye-Load shows each location of the repair process being overloaded (bottleneck), even-loaded (under control) or underloaded (use your resources elsewhere).
The Eye-Load software was created for the very need to have a highly visual view of a production line process in a Bodyshop / Collision environment. A stop start flow from the beginning stage of the process to the completed stage of the process can create many bottlenecks. Eye-Load heightens the awareness to all your team as soon as a bottleneck starts. It prioritises all the work in the right order by the due date you enter, by each minute that passes during your workshops working day. The Eye-Load software can be customised to any industry that needs Theory of Constraints application.
It is not a management system, nor does it replace it. It’s a mindset, it’s a vison, it’s a business tool for the those that want better! It is the most advanced workshop loading and scheduling system globally.
Further reading on Theory of Constraints…
The Theory of Constraints focuses on the identification and removal of just one bottleneck at a time, through The Five Focusing Steps. Using the Theory of Constraints is a continuous process that over time can greatly improve your productivity and efficiency. it also reduces wasted time and the cost that brings.
The Theory of Constraints can be somewhat simplified to a “weakest link” type approach, whereby the weakest factor in a process limits the time-effectiveness and efficiency of said process. There are several types of constraint that may be affecting your business, they may be external constraints, for instance an oversaturated market will limit the amount of sales/business you will accrue. More often you will be dealing with internal constraints; equipment, policy, and people.
With our advanced software, alongside consultancy from our partner Bodyshop Consulting, you will be able to accurately and quickly identify and address the bottlenecks that your business is facing, enabling you to make the most of your time, and maximise your profitability.
*Arrie Van Niekerk, is a highly respected consultant in the mining industry in South Africa. His powerful analogy in the video regarding the use of the Theory of Constraints is used in the management of physical processes in many other industries too, as his own demonstrates.
Eye-Load and Lean Manufacturing Methodologies
Another set of “tools” that can be used with Eye-Load is “Lean”.
Lean Thinking or Lean Manufacturing in a Bodyshop Environment can also be applied in conjunction with Eye-Load. Lean Thinking or Lean Manufacturing, the concept, is being used today in many manufacturing businesses – to name one would be the Toyota Motor Corporation. Toyota Production Systems (TPS) also known as “The Toyota Way”, has been in use at Toyota for over seventy years. Eye-Load, allied to Lean will greatly assist the removal of waste in its many forms.
Excerpt from Jeffery K. Liker’s brilliant book, “The Toyota Way”.
Principle 7: “Use Visual Control so no problems are hidden”
“Mr Ohno was passionate about TPS. He said you must clean up everything, so you can see problems. He would complain if he could not look and see and tell if there is a problem” – Fujio Cho, President, Toyota Motor Corporation